Wild learning

Very interesting! NICE photo too x


Are we providing enough opportunities for all our students to thrive?

Guy Claxton & Bill Lucas query why it is that of all the things our school systemcould teach our young people, the one thing our schools leave a great deal of them with is a sense of inadequacy and/or failure. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Expansive-Education-Bill-Lucas/dp/0335247555This struck a chord with me and despite being in the profession for over a decade, I listened to my year 11 students with fresh ears. Their original enthusiasm & passion that led them to opt for my subject has been eroded because, unable to secure the hallowed ‘C’ grade, they feel like failures. Our exam system is teaching them that they are not very good. If that scenario repeats in a number of subjects, school only teaches them that they are, to quote many a year 11, ‘rubbish’. It is very unlikely that a young person…

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