It’s been a really exciting couple of weeks. In more ways than one.

#10frame is doing well. A few teething problems at first but I now have a really good printer/framer who sends directly to the customer. They are based in Cornwall and the product is actually very cool (not to sound surprised). I saw the new style frames this week and they look like the real deal…. good quality printing, the wood used looks classy, it’s fully sealed on the back, proper hanging apparatus and it’s really well packaged for sending. Very happy – check out the shop

As we’re both teachers, one of the most knackering terms in the entire year is most definitely the one we’ve just had – Feb to Easter. The Yr11s are in panic mode, staff are tired but yet outside, you are starting the see the ‘light’. I find therefore, there’s an inner voice that keeps on repeating –

“It’s time to go on a #campervan trip!!!”.

So this is exactly what we’ve done. We’re in #Wales for two weeks now. Going to get some quality #MTB in, #surfing, #walking up #Snowdon, drinking some #realale….it’s going to be great. Oh, and take a load of photos with my #Canon.

Over the last couple of months, my wife (a manic researcher) has been banging on about #SPDs for our mountain bikes. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this new fangled technology (like me), essentially when you hurtle yourself down a massively intimidating slope on a MTB trial, rather that just pedal down it like you would do back in the day, you can now strap your feet to your pedals! It sounds NUTS and to be perfectly honest, it was, the first time we did it. What does happen (and it is rather strange) is that you are able to feel like you are a part of your bike, you are able to power through burms (those slanted built-up turns) and up those punishing hills found at #Cwmcarn. It is said that apparently, you are 30% more efficient! Well there you go….

The other exciting development is the purchase of our new #GoPro (VERY exciting):

Bex at #Lanhydrock –


GoPro trees

Dad and Janet eating #tapas at the #Porthmeorcafe #StIves –

GoPro Dad and Janet

Trying to understand the settings….

GoPro selfie

Remember that film about #FelixBaumgartner and his ‘space jump’ – well that was all filmed using this tiny, amazing camera. So we bought one. Not really knowing what we were doing the first weekend, we went to the #ForestofDean Verderer trail and just pressed record. The memory card ran out within about 30 mins. On getting home, we had realised that the #GoPro automatically films at 49frames per second (RIDICULOUS quality) which makes it almost unusable on a normal Mac like mine. The next weekend however, I changed the setting to 720p and had some real fun with it. Check out my first GoPro film on Vimeo.

So…all in all. A very exciting couple of weeks. Bye bye Ofsted, spreadsheets, exercise books, stress….hello mountains, biking, surfing and relaxation.

Speak soon.

Nikolaas x

Visit my shop –


@10Framedotcom TOP10

@10Framedotcom TOP10

1. Shop fully stocked and ready to rumble again with 10new frames. Take a look – Mother’s day?
2. Just sold a 30″ by 45″ print to a lady in New York dontchaknow.
3. Thank you for your order Charlotte Hicks. Enjoy x
4. Ed Hicks of Blucube giving top website advice. 10frame soon to include Etsy, Twitter, Instagram. One stop shop basically.
5. Sarah David of Two Twinkling Stars and Ben Maxfield of BXM Expeditions giving cracking advice.
6. The #RNLI and I are making a postcard.
7. Photos shown with a frame sell much better.
8. Bex says I won’t shut up about #10frame.
9. We bought a #GoPro and we’re going to Scotland soon.
10. I am enjoying this.


The arrival of the GoPro

Wow – what a weekend. Photography in our household has just changed forever.

The arrival of the GoPro


March ETSY update

***MARCH 2014***

The light has arrived! In more ways than one it seems. The light has certainly arrived for 10frame – I feel like I have a constant flashing lightbulb above my head at the moment, mulling through ideas as to how to grow this thing.

You will notice some changes here:
1. Standardised pricing – either £25, £35 and £45 for frames.
2. Simplification of the product – no prints or canvasses, just frames (for now).
3. Photos of the photos in frames – awesome idea. Thanks to Emily, Ed and Steve for that.
4. Postcards. Watch this space!

Anyhoo, I have orders to tend to 🙂



Photo of a photo

Photo of a photo

Photo of a photo – my new look ETSY


Starting 10frame

The 10 first steps in starting 10frame

This was always going to be an experiment this ’10frame’ thing. I have often received nice comments about my photos via Facebook and Flickr, I’ve done various weddings and I do genuinely enjoy standing there (whilst Bex walks on) waiting for the ‘perfect’ moment in photography. Does it always happen, that perfect moment? Nope. I am, what is known as, a trial and error photographer. I’ve never had a lesson, that’s not to say that I’ve not had tips passed onto me from people who know much more than I ever will about this little black box that produces such wonderful colours and lines. I’ve learnt to take photos over many hours and different locations. I’ve experimented with light and subjects. I’m not the finished product…but is anyone?

People liked and like my photos, so that’s why I’m here.

Wk 3 mass dump 080314 (1 of 1)Watergate Bay

As I sit here @watergatebay (The Watergate Bay Hotel), I’m reflecting over the last three months. It’s crazy to think that a conversation around a dinner table in Los Angeles with my sister-in-law Emily (of fame) has inspired the beginning of a new business. 10frame. That was the decided-upon name. Why? Well, I wanted a concept which was manageable around my full-time job as a teacher of Languages and I also wanted to properly select photos…not just have them on sale for the sake of it. 10frame was perfect because of what it suggests…10 at a time: properly tagged and properly thought about.

It’s not been easy. But I expected that! Here’s what I have learnt so far (in 10 steps):

1. Your original idea changes: I want to take and sell photos. Great. Easy. Not easy. What do people, who I don’t know,  want on their walls? Will they like my photos/my style? Will they buy into it? Am I trying to sell ‘one offs’ or multiple frames? Expensive or cheap?

2. Your family and friends are very supportive: but some of them (I’m sure) think I’m nuts. Bex and I don’t really ever rest up. It’s therefore the perfect addition to our life because 10frame means I am always doing something…Facebook, Instagram, Etsy.

3. My Mum is my number 1 fan: she bought my first photo. Thank the lord for mums. Jan Bartlett, you are a legend.

4. I’m still questioning whether Etsy is the right platform: it seems to look good and it’s very organised. It also has millions of stats included within a basic package – who is looking at what, which photo is the most popular, where the views are coming from. But…it just makes me feel a little far away from the customer. They can’t seem to access the photo in the same way they can on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook – sharing, liking, commenting etc. Also, it’s an American site and I wonder whether my client base (Cornwall, surfing, pasty eaters, cottage rental types) will get on with that.

5. It’s made me realise that you need to start small and grow it: “I am starting in Cornwall”. That’s what I said to Bex whilst we were in St. Ives over half term. I love Cornwall and it is therefore, the most exciting place to start. There are lots of people, enjoying themselves, all over Cornwall.  Whether born and bred here or on holiday, everyone loves it.  My 10frame concept originally was to conquer the world, but first, I would like to conquer Cornwall and then I will move (and extend) my business model, one county/country at a time.

6. I am starting to finally understand Twitter: it’s really addictive isn’t? I say understand, what I really mean is understand the jargon: the hashtag, the ‘@’ and the RT being the fundamentals. It’s taken some time but I’ve realised it’s essentially a conversation, but it happens on many levels and it’s very public. If you want it to be.

7. I really like Instagram: I guess this is because I am a photographer who has an appreciation for all things glamorised. I like the instantaneousness of it. Take, upload, hashtags, done. And then people from all over the world (who you would never come into contact with on Facebook) start liking your world. Everything I take I hashtag with #10frame. In my own little way, I’m building up my world. One day, there will be millions of images hash tagged with #10frame. In theory.

8. I can’t stop talking about it: this, it can be assumed must be a common problem for many of us who are trying to make a living out of the hobby.  I really can’t though.

9. We are seeing more beautiful places: this is certainly true. Since 10frame started, we are suddenly having conversations about potential photos. We’re going to Scotland in four weeks and one of the first conversations about the trip was…”wow, think about that light, those beaches”. It’s really exciting to think that you can sell photos of an experience that you live for real, not just for show.

10. There are a lot of people selling photos: I’m sure they are doing the same as I am. To me though, I think lots of photographers go to cliff tops with the intention of taking the photo. I like to go for the walk, mountain-bike ride, surf and the photo-taking happens as part of the experience. That’s what makes 10frame so special but obviously I am hugely biased.

See you next time,

N I K O L A A S x

@10framedotcom on Twitter and Instagram


February 2014


***FEBRUARY 2014***

Hello everyone, the first month on Etsy has been REALLY exciting; what a feeling…to start a new business in something you love so much! Sales of photos, lots of likes on Facebook (, supportive friends and family, the Twitter account (@10framedotcom), discovering the joys of Instagram (@10framedotcom) and private commissions no less…

As the wind and rain fall and makes everyone hope for warmer and lighter days, I hope you have been enjoying the various sunny/desert-y photos up here on Etsy. In contrast, we’re off to Cornwall in our VW Campervan next week so expect some 10frame wave/wind/bonkers winter weather coming your way soon.

Due to new suppliers, I have been able to re-work my pricing so I can bring you a 16″ X 12″ (40cm x 30cm) frame directly to your door for £25 (£5 extra for postage)! Good huh? Enjoy! Please also spread the word…. @10framedotcom

See you soon,

Nikolaas xx

#10frame 10frame shop on Etsy

#California #LosAngeles #Cornwall #VWcampervan #Love #TravelPhotography #Outdoors #WallDecor #Home #Office #MiniPrints #LargePrints #CityPhotographs #CountryPhotographs #France #Camping #Surfing #Lifestyle #10frame


January 2014

Frame6 Frame9 Frame4 Frame8 Frame3 Frame10 Frame2 Frame1 Frame7 Frame5

***JANUARY 2014*** Happy new year to you!

Here I am on holiday in Palm Springs and I am starting my photography business, oh yes. About time too!

I feel hugely inspired by those around me at the moment – to name a few… My wife Bex, a teacher, has just started her blog. My sister-in-law and brother’s very successful blog Holistic Squid, my other brother’s new clothes shop ‘The California Concept Store in France, my brother-in-law Rob Sherwood and my other brother-in-law who is in the band Goan Dogs. I also feel like I also have a creative world to share with you.

I will personally select 10 of my favourite ‘frames’ (photos) per month for your delectation. These images arrive to your door ready for you to frame how you choose. Frame not included! Unless you do want it framed, on a mug, mousemat or anything else my photography lab can create…


N I K O L A A S 🙂 x
#10frame 10frame shop on Etsy

#California #LosAngeles #Cornwall #VWcampervan #Love #TravelPhotography #Outdoors #WallDecor #Home #Office #MiniPrints #LargePrints #CityPhotographs #CountryPhotographs #France #Camping #Surfing #Lifestyle #10frame


Wild learning

Very interesting! NICE photo too x


Are we providing enough opportunities for all our students to thrive?

Guy Claxton & Bill Lucas query why it is that of all the things our school systemcould teach our young people, the one thing our schools leave a great deal of them with is a sense of inadequacy and/or failure. struck a chord with me and despite being in the profession for over a decade, I listened to my year 11 students with fresh ears. Their original enthusiasm & passion that led them to opt for my subject has been eroded because, unable to secure the hallowed ‘C’ grade, they feel like failures. Our exam system is teaching them that they are not very good. If that scenario repeats in a number of subjects, school only teaches them that they are, to quote many a year 11, ‘rubbish’. It is very unlikely that a young person…

View original post 550 more words
